all our childhood memorys are all of you?

Created by kerryplaister 10 years ago
You & my mam were best freinds for many many years, while we were all growing up, we all went to pontins together for years, you were a funny duo there was never a mags without pat or a pat without mags, the nights I remenber you's going off out on a night out all dolled up, then coming home laughing lookking like you's had been dragged through a bush wiv holes in your tights where you's had fell over holding each other up i know pat was devastated when my mam passed away In 2006 but at least they can now have there laughs again, sweetdreams pat get that dart team in that sky sorted out,& give my mags & jim a kiss from me loads of love xxxxxxx :'( ♥♥♥♥♥♥